Sunday, March 27, 2011

3 Dumb Mistakes Girl Make In A Fight With BoyFriend

You'll argue with your boyfriend sooner or later, I'm sorry to tell you. No one enjoys being in a fight, but there's no sense saying something dumb that you'll instantly regret.

Arguing with Boyfriend Blunder #1 - You Tell Him He Knocked You Up

Some women may think that telling a guy that a little child is on the way is going to get him to stick with her. If you're thinking of playing the "pregnancy card," think again. Maybe having a little rug rat is enough to make a woman's heart swoon with delight, but if you and your boyfriend aren't really on the best terms, this is not going to improve things.

On one hand, he's going to feel like you're trapping him.. Frankly, if he is feeling miserable with you, he isn't going to feel great about the idea of being trapped with someone that makes him feel miserable.

On the flip side, if it's true that you're knocked up, your boyfriend will be scared--really scared. He may even try to get you to have an abortion. TV likes to show men as brainless buffoons, but really most men aren't morons. They know that bringing a child into a troubled relationship isn't going to fix things.

If you're lying about it, your boyfriend will find out eventually when you're entering your third trimester and you can still fit into your size 4 jeans. Is it really going to make things better if he thinks you're liar and manipulator in addition to all the other problems going on?

Arguing with Boyfriend Blunder #2 - Saying You Cheated

Sometime things can get out of hand and you just want to make him feel some pain. Maybe you want to tell him that you hooked up with one of your coworkers that time you were working late at your workplace. There's nothing to feel bad about, we've all been there. But how is this going to help you out? This will simply make your boyfriend feel naive for ever having faith in an easy women like you.

You heard me. Even though you're just attempting to make him feel like a total chump, you're just telling him that you have no morals and you want to sleep around. Just a wild guess here, but I'm willing to bet that you would be a lot better off without this kind of track record haunting you.

Arguing with Boyfriend Blunder #3 - Telling Him His Unit is 2 Sizes Too Small

This is another topic you really don't want to mention, even if it's true. Needless to say you will probably succeed in making him feel inferior. But you're not really doing any favors for yourself either.

This will only make you look incredibly shallow like all that you care about is size. This kind of stuff is only going to make you look like the female version of the dude that gawks at every girl in a swimsuit he sees by the pool. This isn't how a sophisticated woman acts.

These three blunders are things that women seem to do on a regular basis despite the fact that they only end up backfiring on them. Trust me, I understand how difficult it can be in the heat of the moment to stay cool, but you need to make sure that you act like a classy and stylish woman. It may be easier to try to humiliate your boyfriend, but it's critical not to knock yourself down as well.

Plus, the more stupid things you say, the more hurt you're going to have to fix if you want to save your relationship. I know it's difficult to do so in the heat of the moment, but you have to keep a long-term view. Ask yourself "is this something I'm going to regret saying later?" before you blurt it out.

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