Sunday, March 27, 2011

Learn The Key To Flirting With Girls

I would like to ask you a question. Do you have a favorite woman, yet despite all your romantic efforts, you remain just friends?

Chances are it is because you did not flirt correctly with the woman.

Understand: Flirting is a very important part of the attraction process, and if you do it wrong (or worse yet, not at all!), the odds of blowing your chance with the girl go up significantly.

You can increase the attraction a woman finds in you by knowing how to flirt with her. And the secret is - flirting isn't really as hard as many people think. In fact, it can be a lot of fun. The only time flirting doesn't work is when it's done WRONG.

Flirting is all about communicating your sexual interest in the girl, without coming right out and SAYING it.

This is called "mixed signals." Your words communicate something different than your actions are communicating.

Here are some common mistakes most guys make when flirting with girls:

MISTAKE #1: They Are Way Too Obvious

Too many guys get excited about the women they are attracted to, and will come out and say exactly what they are feeling. What they don't realize is that when presented with this information, the girl is then forced to make a judgment, right then and there, about how she feels about THEM.

And if you haven't laid the proper groundwork beforehand, chances are the girl is going to reject you.

MISTAKE #2: They Aren't Obvious Enough!

There are men who communicate no interest at all, since they assume the woman knows how they feel. This catches a woman by surprise because she has not clue of his interest.

MISTAKE #3: They Rely More On Words Than Actions

Although, flirting includes what you say and the way you say it, the most powerful performance comes from your non-verbal body language. The small simple things like raising an eyebrow, tilting your head to one side and that wicked little grin, that carries the most meaning in a seemingly innocent remark.

MISTAKE #4: They Take Things Too Seriously

Flirting is a lot of fun and not so much a secret as some might consider, however when done incorrectly it will not work.

You are doing something wrong when you or the woman is not having fun while you flirt. Although, there are other mistakes, these few should give you some ideas. Would you like to learn the proper way to begin flirting?

But the key here is to be SUBTLE.

Flirting communicates your attraction, although you never come right out and say it. Flirting is a lighthearted fun form of insinuation.

Then, as you begin to flirt more and more, you can start getting a little more obvious about your interests, while never really crossing that line.

As you do this, you'll begin to notice how the attraction between you and the girl starts to build and build. And before you know it, that harmless flirting becomes an outright seduction. And that is when the real fun begins.

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