Monday, March 28, 2011

Love Making - Ways To Last Longer

There is no doubt that sex is one of the most important ingredients in a relationship. To this end most people would like to perform better in this aspect. However, the sad fact here is that most of us do not know how we can perform better.

As a matter of fact, one of the things men would love to do is to last longer on the bed. However, it is not really easy to control. It is very true that a lot of men will have orgasm too soon when they are having sex. And of course men would like to make it longer. So the question here is how you can last longer on the bed.

First of all, you will have to think about your attitude towards your performance. A lot of men will just be worrying about the performance. This will put unnecessary pressure on yourself when you are having intimate relationship with your partner. As a result your performance will be affected. In fact, you should learn to enjoy the intimate relationship. Sex is meant to be pleasant but not something stressful. If you can be more relaxed, you will automatically perform better.

Besides, you should never rush when you are having intimate relationship with your partner. The problem of a lot of men is that they tend to rush when they are masturbating. This may probably because they can be really be relaxed when they are masturbating. This will make them rushing when they are having sex with the partner. When you try to rush, you will never be able to last long. They are two contradictory concepts at the end of the day.

The above are what you need to do when you are having intimate relationship with your partner. And you can also try to do so exercises in order to last longer on the bed. You can learn to control your ejaculation. You will be doing the exercises when you are masturbating. There are a lot of exercises you can do. And you will be easily finding a lot of reference material on the web. The rationale behind is that you will be able to last longer if you can control your ejaculation.

You should always remember that sex is meant to be enjoyable. You should never make it something stressful. It will not be good for you if you do not try to be relaxed when you are having sex with your partner!

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