Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Six Tips to Help Ease Your First Date Jitters.

You've been hanging out on the site for a few weeks when it happens. You find that perfect date. After working up the courage to get in touch, you send an email. Much to your surprise (and over-the-top happiness), your would-be date sends a response. Soon, you're ready to take it to the next level—your first online date. Check out the tips below to help ease your first date jitters.

Ready, Set, Got

Establishing a time limit for your first online chat date can make all the difference. A good, solid online date might last anywhere from a half hour to an hour. If the conversation flows, and you both want to extend the date (you'll know within the first 15 minutes), go for it. But if you feel like the date has been heading south since you launched the chat, rest assured, your online date has a fixed expiry date.

Make the Right First Impression

If you've taken it to the next level—pulling out all the stops for a webcam chat—you need to make the right first impression. Before you sink into that comfy computer chair, spend some time getting ready for your big date. The best bet it to treat this rendezvous just like you would any other first date. Whether your personal preparation involves a trip to the gym or the hair stylist, take some time to feel and look your best. You never get a second chance to make a first impression.

Flirt with Flare

When your match makes their online entrance, remember to smile (even if you don't use a camera, a smile has a way of lightening the mood), casually exchange some small talk, and if the chemistry is off the charts, bring out your secret weapon: the BIG flirt. Flirting is just a matter of showing your date how open you are to the experience. Smile, laugh and enjoy yourself.

Follow the Leader

Ladies, I can almost hear your collective groan, still I offer these words of wisdom: let him take the lead. Sure, it may seem old-fashioned, but you already know all there is to know about you. Aren't you really more interested in getting the scoop on him? Have a loose checklist of questions prepared before your online date. Ice-breaking questions designed to dig a little beyond the basics.

Consider asking your date about what he was up to last night; favorite foods; movies; music; books; magazines—discover whether his Saturday routine consists of a cup of steaming coffee and a newspaper or a trip to his neighborhood gym. Conversation will definitely flow both ways, but don't miss this golden opportunity to check out your compatibility.

Set the Tone

Keep the conversation light and positive. No matter how tempted you are, resist talking about your ex…their faults, your faults, the break-up and any other juicy details. Hold back on sharing any intimate details about your life. You may also want to avoid no-no topics like finances, marriage and politics. At least until you know each other a bit better. It's all about making the right impression and sometimes pushing the political envelope too soon can be a big turn-off…especially if you end up on the wrong side of a heated debate about a would-be presidential candidate.

Chemical Reaction

Are feeling the jolt of that all-important chemical connection? Awesome! Hey, don't panic if the sparks aren't flying; some of the best relationships begin with a slow sizzle. Plus, an online chat can be a tough place to feel the love. If you're feeling simpatico, the next step might be a casual offline date. That way, you can meet face-to-face and discover if you share the type of chemistry that just could bond you together.

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