In this article, we'll explore the nature of love and how it grows. We'll also describe some of the signs which suggest that it exists in your relationship.
Understanding The Nature of Love
often, it's easier to define love based upon what it isn't. A lot of people mistakenly think that certain emotions they're feeling represent love. For example, lust is commonly thought to signify something more than it is. Or, one partner may be so passionate about the other that physical or emotional abuse occurs in the relationship. Neither instance signifies love.
When you love somebody, the feeling transcends the physical. You feel attached to the other person in a way that you don't feel with others. The level of physical and emotional commitment is greater than with anyone else. And while love translates into intimacy, the willing vulnerability to which you expose yourself to your partner dwarfs that which you experience in all other relationships.
Trust Grows
while love can encompass a myriad of qualities, mutual trust is one of the most important. And it expands much further than simply trusting that your partner won't cheat physically. In this context, it means that you trust your partner implicitly. You trust that he or she will not betray you or the relationship on a physical or emotional level. As your love grows, so too does your level of trust. Eventually, that trust reaches the point at which you're unable to even conceive of your partner betraying you.
Intimacy Issues
Intimacy issues plague many couples. But, it's important to understand what true intimacy is. And it's equally important to realize that issues surrounding it don't necessarily preclude love. For many couples, a lack of physical intimacy may be a problem, though they love and trust each other implicitly. Issues involving emotional intimacy are often more severe. For example, an emotional disconnection can be a warning sign that love is waning. A lack of communication may also represent deeper issues.
Signs that you’re In Love
so, how do you know when you're in love? Unfortunately, it's often hard to tell because it involves two people so deeply on various physical and emotional levels. That said, there are signs, for example, if your partner is late, your initial reaction may be concern for their safety. Or, you may begin to miss them horribly when they're away. Also, small things may constantly remind you of your partner.
Enjoying Your Partner
A true manifestation of love is found in the level of commitment, trust, physical and emotional intimacy, and mutual attachment that you enjoy with your partner. It's a confluence of several factors and any one factor does not, in and of itself, represent love. Some claim that loving your partner is more than mere emotion. It is, in effect, a choice that you make. And that choice helps to sustain the relationship during times when any one of the above factors falters.
In the end, falling in love is about enjoying your partner on a level that no other person can hope to experience. It's about being vulnerable, yet trusting. It's about sharing yourself physically and emotionally, knowing that the commitment will be reciprocated. Falling in love is a natural progression toward a lifetime with your partner.
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